We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
Fast track to your high flying career in Investment Banking, Banking, Advisory/ Consulting, Property/Conglomerate
Mentored 1000+ grads since 2014 | 40+ professional coaches | Countless Success Stories
Copyright (c) E&C Consulting Limited (trading as HKCareers). All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: HKCareers is an education institute on career development and training. We are not an employment agent and do not provide employment services. | Site Policy
Address: Room 14B Henfa Commercial Building 348-350 Lockhart Road, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 67029911
Email: admin@eccoachinghk.com

Management Trainee 2024 / 2025 HK:大學生報 Bank MT / Property MT / GT 須知
大部分跨國企業和大公司,包括投行(Investment Banks,IB)、銀行(Banks)、大型地產發展商(Property Developers)、顧問公司(Consulting Firms)、綜合型企業(Conglomerates)或快消公司(FMCG Firms)也有舉辦「管理實習生」(又稱「管理培訓生」、「管培生」、「Management Trainee MT」、「Graduate Trainee GT」 或 )及「全職分析師」(Graduate Analyst)的招聘計劃。
這次,我們先從「Management Trainee」及「Graduate Trainee」說起。
而在近年,愈來愈多銀行或企業改為推行「Graduate Trainee Program」(又稱「Graduate Associate」)。讓GT專注在一個Business Stream或部門工作。「GT計劃」的目標,是為各部門培訓擁有更深入認識的專才。同學不妨留意,愈來愈多銀行及企業在你投報的同時,已經要求你選擇一個特定的部門去遞交申請表,很可能代表公司正在推行「Division Specific」的「GT計劃」,而非「All-Round Rotation」的「MT計劃」。
簡而言之,Management Trainee及Graduate Trainee並沒有高低之分,只是計劃類型略有分別!
1. Management Trainee(MT)及Graduate Trainee (GT)薪酬有多高?
・「銀行MT (Bank MT)」、「銀行(Bank GT)」;
・「非銀行MT/GT」,包括:「地產MT/GT(Property MT / GT)」;
・「綜合型企業 MT / GT (Conglomerate MT / GT)」;
・「快消公司MT / GT(FMCG MT / GT)」等。
前者的起薪一般由HKD 22,000 至 HKD 43,000 不等,後三者的起薪則介乎HKD 25,000 至HKD 35,000不等。當然,這個數字尚未包括不同銀行、公司或部門提供的豐厚花紅(Bonus)或佣金 (Commission)。舉例來說,商業銀行GT (Commercial Bank GT),根據銀行該年的業績,可獲分派 3至12個月不等的花紅。難怪不少人說,加入銀行做MT/GT,就是為了那一份花紅!
⭕️以下為部分Management Trainee / Graduate Trainee 2024-25 人工水平
2.哪些公司的Management Trainee(MT)/ Graduate Trainee(GT)最受歡迎?
以下是各行業中,其中一些非常受歡迎的MT/GT Programs︰
銀行︰滙豐銀行(HSBC)、恒生銀行(Hang Seng Bank)、渣打銀行(Standard Chartered Bank)、花旗銀行(Citibank)、星展銀行 (DBS)及中國銀行(BOC)等;
地產發展商︰新鴻基地產(Sun Hung Kai Properties)、恒隆地產(Hang Lung Properties)及信和集團(Sino Group)等;
綜合型企業集團︰太古(Swire)、怡和(Jardine Matheson)及港鐵(MTR)等;
快消公司FMCG︰寶潔(P&G)、歐萊雅 (L'Oréal)、利潔時(Reckitt)及Estée Lauder等。
3. 申請Management Trainee(MT)/ Graduate Trainee(GT)難度有多高?
⭕️各行業與部門的MT Headcount比較 (留意每間公司每年的數字皆有可能不同,只供參考)︰
商業及企業銀行(Commercial and Corporate Banks)— 各部門約10人
零售及虛擬銀行(Retail and Digital Banks)— 各部門約10人
中後台部門 — 各部門約2至5人
地產發展界別(Property Development)
銷售與推廣(Sales and Marketing)— 2至3人
零售租賃(Retail Leasing)— 約2至3人
辦公樓租賃(Office Leasing)— 約3至4人
住宅租賃(Residential Leasing)— 約1至2人
物業管理(Property Management) — 約1至2人
綜合型企業 (Conglomerates)
每間企業— 約19至20人
零售/快速消費品銷售(Retail/ FMCG)界別
銷售(Sales)— 約4至5人
營銷推廣(Marketing)— 約2-4人
供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management)— 約1至2人
中後台部門 — 約2至3人
4. Management Trainee(MT)/ Graduate Trainee(GT)有哪些面試評核關卡?
履歷篩選(CV Screening)
能力傾向測試(Aptitude Test)
首輪視像面試(Video Interview)/ HR面試
評鑑中心(Assessment Centre / Superday)
會談面試(Panel Interview)
數之不盡的Mentees成功案例:The Success-Proven System
HKCareers的150+位Mentors及Consultants,自2014年起成功幫助超過2150位香港及英國大學生,取得超過4500張大投行、銀行、咨詢公司及大企業的Top Offers,每年的成功率高達90%:


Copyright (c) E&C Consulting Limited (trading as HKCareers). All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: HKCareers is an education institute on career development and training. We are not an employment agent and do not provide employment services. | Site Policy
Phone: +852 3689 6370 | WhatsApp: +852 6702 9911
Email: ellie@hkcareers.hk (General Enquiry)