We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, MT, Consulting & Advisory.
We’ll help you take the puzzles and stress out of job hunting so you can balance study and secure multiple job offers. With our exclusive insider tips, you can plan your job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over your career choices.
Founded in 2014, we’ve helped 800+ graduate students to secure offers from almost all reputable corporations which offer graduate schemes/ internships. Therefore, we understand their recruitment process inside-out and this provides an absolute edge for the coaching program participants.
Our success was featured in the Hong Kong Economic Times and we are regularly invited by multiple universities in Hong Kong to deliver talks on topics related to career planning and insightful industry sharing sessions. Our past clients include HKU FBE, CUHK MBA, HKBU, OUHK, HKPU and so on.
Fast track to your high flying career in Investment Banking, Banking, Advisory/ Consulting, Property/Conglomerate
Mentored 1000+ grads since 2014 | 40+ professional coaches | Countless Success Stories
Copyright (c) E&C Consulting Limited (trading as HKCareers). All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: HKCareers is an education institute on career development and training. We are not an employment agent and do not provide employment services. | Site Policy
Address: Room 14B Henfa Commercial Building 348-350 Lockhart Road, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 67029911
Email: admin@eccoachinghk.com
2024/2025能力傾向測試(Aptitude Test)
大部分投行、銀行及大公司在收到同學的job application後,系統都會自動發送一個Online Test或Video Interview給同學完成。有部份公司,例如恒生Management Trainee,甚至Apt Test環節需要你完成一個性格測試(Personality Test),以決定你的性格是否適合公司環境和文化,直接影響你獲取錄(Offer)與否!而這類Online Test,無論考核的形式是Personality Test、Logical Test、Numerical Test或是Verbal Test ,都可以統稱為能力傾向測試(Aptitude Test)
2. 常見的能力傾向測試系統(Apt test Systems)
坊間不同企業都採用各適其式的Apt test Systems,以判斷同學不同方面的能力。以下是近年一些常見的能力傾向測試系統(Apt test Systems)以及採用的公司:
SHL (又名CEB/Gartner);公司例子:恒生、Deloitte、港鐵、Barclays、PwC
Cut-e ;公司例子:UBS、Morgan Stanley
Talent Q;公司例子:Macquarie
GradACE and CUBIKS;公司例子:香港交易所(HKEx)、香港貿易發展局(HKTDC)
CAPP System;公司例子:滙豐(HSBC)、Jardines
Professional Learning Indicator(PLI)system;公司例子:DBS
Skyrise/ other game assessment system;公司例子: MUFG、渣打(Standard Chartered)
Other tailor-made systems: Oliver Wyman, Bain、McKinsey
註:不少銀行(Bank) 或公司每年都會轉換使用不同的Apt test Systems,所以以上資料只供參考。如果你不肯定公司使用哪個Apt test系統,可以留意測試連結,通常都會透露是發送自哪一系統!
Apt test主要分為 1.Personality Test、2.Logical Test、3.Numerical Test和4. Verbal Test 四種類型。當然不同的Apt Test Systems會按比例及各間公司的要求去特別測試同學以上的各種能力,不會只考其中一樣,其中Apt test常見的系統和題型如下:
Game Assessment
Personality Test
SHL算是較容易的Apt Test系統,需要同學在限定時間內完成指定數量的題目,但由於此系統的問題相對容易,大部份(有準備的)同學都能夠完成全部題目,所以你最好都要以完成所有題目為目標!
新版的SHL Talent Central會分Numerical、Logical test及Pattern Test三類,題型與形式跟舊SHL可以說是截然不同!其中一點是Talent Central強調互動(interaction),不再跟以前一般只有判斷題(True/ False/ Can't Say)或多項選擇題(Multiple Choice,MC)。如果同學不熟習SHL新形式,就十分容易出錯,所以建議你事前一定要練習SHL各種題型,不要直接就開始做Apt Test!
比如是數學題,SHL題目會先提供數個Bar Chart,然後你需要根據一些條件Conditions去拉動Bar Chart的線條、或是拉大或縮小整個圖表來完成要求。又例如Logical test的題目,SHL現今已不再要求你從五個圖形中找邏輯,再推斷出下一個圖型;而是問你該如何將圖形A變換成圖形B,然後在數個選項中選擇正確的解答。
Cut-e同學需要參考六個Data File 完成30至40道數學或英文問題。你可以先用30至45秒速讀Cut-e各Data File 的內容一遍,大概掌握Cut-e每份Date File的內容,回答問題時再對照Cut-e相關的Data File去找答案。Cut-e問題難度並沒有按序排列,愈後的題目不一定會愈難,所以當你遇到不懂的問題時,可以先跳過它並完成後面會做的Cut-e題目,待有剩下時間才返回再作思考。Cut-e 的Logical Test會以數獨(Soduku)形式考驗同學,開始時可以準備大量白紙,直接在白紙上畫會比較快和方便一點。
GradACE較著重同學的語言能力,算是比較難的Apt Test,近年HKEX都在用這套GradACE考核系統,讓有意申請的同學在Apt Test都不禁懷疑自己的能力!所以要Pass GradACE,最重要還是數口好!
⭕️Game Assessment
簡單來說就是Apt test的性格測試(Personality Test)。單靠數十分鐘的面試或AC評核很難讓僱主測試同學的性格或個人能力,因此不少大公司招聘時,會在Apt test或早期的篩選階段會加入Personality Test,以確認請來的人可以配合公司文化與工作環境。
以汽球遊戲(Balloon Game)為例,遊戲指示你按鍵給不同顏色或圖案的汽球充氣,一次可充值$0.05,中途可隨時按「Enter鍵」取錢。充氣愈多也就賺錢愈多,但汽球爆炸的風險也隨之上升,一旦汽球炸了就賺不到任何錢,變相是白充。
Apt test遊戲看似簡單,同學普遍認為只要最終賺錢愈多,就代表愈有機會過關,但其實這種對Apt test的想法只是對了一半。因為不同顏色的汽球都有特定的爆破點,Apt test遊戲的設計除了是測試你的風險管理能力,更是在評估你的觀察和學習能力。若然你在頭10次的試驗中仍未掌握當中的規律,縱使你最後得到的分數很高,也未必通過這個Apt test考核。
⭕Personality Test該怎樣預備?
Apt test的性格測試跟其他Logical或Numerical Tests不同,它只測試同學作抉擇時的傾向或他們工作態度,不會有標準答案,也不是單靠source多練習就可以做到,看似是不能準備。但同學做Personality Test前可以輕輕研究公司的背景和文化,大概猜想他們想要甚麼一類型的人,再盡量朝這方向回答問題。例如下列數家公司會傾向選擇特定類型的人,因此你在做Personality Test時不妨想想如何展現自己這些方面的性格。
✅HSBC:銀行十分重視Compliance問題,所以HSBC很在乎同學的誠信(Integrity)和廉潔。當大家進行Banking的任何面試、回答Behavioural Questions 時,都一定要先從廉潔角度出發思考)
✅Deloitte、KPMG:Big 4等大公司,職員眾多,所以很著重大家的團隊精神(Teamwork)。此外,Analytical、 fast-learning同Detail-minded亦是他們的考量因素
✅P&G:P&G傾向選擇靈活、創新多變、敏捷,而且具領導才能的人;如果可以 think out of the box ,社交能力又出色的話更可加分
✅McKinsey:同樣要傾向Innovative、Analytical 和leadership的人
3.Apt Test成功秘技
不同Apt Test 系統的計分方法各有不同,同學遇上答錯不會扣分的系統,例如SHL及Talent Q時,在不夠時間完成的前提下,你可以嘗試瞎估答案,希望靠運數提升分數;反之,若你遇上答錯會扣分的系統,特別是Cut-e就絕對不能亂選答案,不懂的題目寧可填空,但總比答錯好!
不同Apt Test system亦有不同的答題時間限制,了解測試規則,可以幫助同學更易過關:
✅SHL/ Capp System:雖然並沒有明確指明同學要在限定時間內完成,但System的 背後會計算你的完成時間,因此盡快完成就最好
✅Talent Q:每一道題目會獨立計時,所以壓力比較大
Apt Tests的成功秘訣很難一概而論,更重要的還是不斷累積實戰經驗,同時汲取前人的分享,可能事半功倍。HKCareers擁有龐大的導師網絡,他們來自各個不同的專業行業背景,當中更不乏投行或大型投資機構(Bulge Bracket Banks,BB Banks)、銀行(Banking)、地產發展商(Property)、顧問公司(Consulting Firms)、企業集團(Conglomerates)或FMCG公司等,能以第一身經驗或行內人身份分享Apt Test的致勝關鍵,助你Pass Apt Test 繼而更大機會獲得Offer!
針對Management Trainee Program/Internship Program/ 投資銀行(Investment Banking)、銀行(Banking)、金融界別(Finance)或顧問公司(Consulting Firms)的一連串的面試及評核,HKCareers為香港、新加坡和英國三地的大學生度身打造適合自己的報工策略︰改善CV和Cover Letter,並提供面試訓練及模擬面試、Apt Test題庫、詳盡的面試題目和行業報告等等,從而大大增加同學拿到Management Trainee Offer的機會。自2014年成立的10年間,HKCareers的專業團隊集結了超過150位具豐富經驗的職業顧問及行業專家,為2,000多位學生創下成功之路,寫下了無數的成功案例︰
Copyright (c) E&C Consulting Limited (trading as HKCareers). All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: HKCareers is an education institute on career development and training. We are not an employment agent and do not provide employment services. | Site Policy